Friday, June 18, 2010

All the hope for that garden seems to get carried away by the lack of rain, heading into summer. As a Meteorologist, I always hear people complaining about needing a tropical disturbance to swing through and bring us a few inches of rain. That is all great in theory but, from experience that will not do it. This lonely flower you see to the left was supposed to be a group of flowers. This guy apparently beat the others out for every last stitch of water. The dirt in my garden is dry as a bone. What we need is a slow steady rain to help this poor guy bring his friends back from the dead.
Here is the latest tropical info:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hurricane Season 2010

This go around there is a lot of crazy talk about an above average Hurricane Season. I have to admit, the way the summer is shaping up...oh, I forgot, it is still technically fall for a few more days. You wouldn't know with the 100 degrees F, south of the Mason Dixon Line.

So here we go...there are some really great resources this summer for validity to this alleged above average Hurricane Season. I know we are all horrified by the idea of an above average season with this monstrosity unfolding in the Gulf. Here are a few great resources, I enjoy, by some great weather nerds, like myself:,, for the oil spill restoration: and of course
Image Credit: Meteorologist Harmony Mendoza

2010 Storm Names

  1. Alex
  2. Bonnie
  3. Colin
  4. Danielle
  5. Earl
  6. Fiona
  7. Gaston
  8. Hermine
  9. Igor
  10. Julia
  11. Karl
  12. Lisa
  13. Matthew
  14. Nicole
  15. Otto
  16. Paula
  17. Richard
  18. Shary
  19. Tomas
  20. Virginie
  21. Walter

Courtesy: National Hurricane Center